Chef ejecutivo
Annual Salary: Compensation is commensurate with experience.
About This Management Position in Corporate Dining
Snapchef provides temp-perm opportunities with top-tier companies. This position is performed in a premium corporate food service setting with a team of culinary professionals.
The Executive Chef is responsible for developing and executing culinary solutions to meet customer needs and tastes. Offers a wide variety of culinary solutions to meet customer and client needs and tastes. Oversees and manages culinary operations to meet production, presentation, and service standards. Applies culinary techniques to food preparation and manages the final presentation and service of food.
Essential Functions:
- Ensure culinary production culinary standards and techniques are in place for preparation of food items.
- Manage culinary team to ensure quality in final presentation of food.
- Train and manage culinary and kitchen employees.
- Complete and maintain all staff records including training records, shift opening/closing checklists and performance data.
- Develop and effective client and customer rapport for mutually beneficial business relationship.
- Ensure efficient execution and delivery of all food line products in line with the daily menu.
- Verify accuracy of estimated food consumption for appropriate requisitions and/or food purchase. Ensure proper equipment operation and maintenance.
Preferred Qualifications
- Minimum 4 years of experience and 1-3 years in a management role.
- Bachelorās degree or equivalent experience.
El mejor lugar para encontrar trabajo en hostelerĆa, en un instante
Trabaja donde quieras, cuando quieras
- Selecciona turnos que estƩn cerca de donde vives
- Job opportunities all across New England
- Stay up to date on opportunities with the AplicaciĆ³n SNAP
Gana dinero extra
- Turnos de trabajo que se ajusten a su horario
- Gana paga semanal
- Gane mƔs si es elegible para conducir
ĀæNo experiencia? Ā”No hay problema!
- La formaciĆ³n acelerada te prepara para trabajar en el sector de la hostelerĆa en una semana
- Apprenticeship training to help you learn skills to work you way up in a kitchen
- Gana mientras aprendes tomando clases por la maƱana y trabajando por la noche
Cuentas con las que nos asociamos:
- Estadios deportivos
- Comedor corporativo
- Colegio/universidades
- Hoteles
- Centros de convenciones
- Abastecimiento
- Instalaciones industriales
- Gana oportunidades y experiencia.
- Horario flexible
- Beneficios. (Seguro de salud y pago por enfermedad)
- Trabaje en una variedad de lugares y encuentre trabajos permanentes.
- Oportunidades de trabajo temporales a permanentes.
- Red y conoce a profesionales de la industria.