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Es el #MesNacionalDeLasArtesCulinarias

It’s been a busy month around here at Snapchef and to top it all off it is #NationalCulinaryArtsMonth – our time to shine! The culinary world is no joke – and the people who make it up work long days and hard nights to ensure that our mouths are happy & our bellies are full. We couldn’t appreciate them anymore! Snapchef continues to embrace our partnership with the MRA (Massachusetts Restaurant Association) – especially their Education Foundation and ProStart Program. We absolutely love the work they are doing to help high school graduates pursue their culinary passions!

¡Asegúrese de etiquetar a sus amigos, familiares y colegas de la industria en las publicaciones de las redes sociales junto con el hashtag #NationalCulinaryArtsMonth para difundir el reconocimiento este julio!

Comparta esta historia, elija su plataforma!

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