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Receta Snapchef: Gumbo del chef William


  • 1 taza colmada de harina para todo uso
  • 2/3 tazas de aceite vegetal o de canola
  • 1 manojo de apio, cortado en cubitos
  • 1 pimiento verde cortado en cubitos
  • 1 cebolla amarilla cortada en cubitos
  • 1 manojo de cebollas verdes, finamente picadas
  • 1 Manojo de hojas de perejil fresco
  • 2-3 dientes de ajo
  • 1-2 cucharadas de condimento cajún
  • 6-8 tazas de caldo de pollo
  • Paquete de 12 onzas de salchicha Andouille cortada en "monedas"
  • Carne de 1 pollo asado
  • 2 tazas de camarones, precocidos
  • Arroz Blanco Cocido

Método de preparación:

  1. Make the Roux:  In a large, heavy-bottom stockpot combine flour and oil. Cook on medium-low heat, stirring constantly for 30-45 minutes. This part takes patience–when it’s finished it should be as dark as chocolate and have a soft, “cookie dough” like consistency. Be careful not to let it burn! Feel free to add a little more flour or oil as needed to reach this consistency.
  2. Brown the sausage: In a separate skillet on medium-high heat place the sausage slices in one layer in the pan. Brown them well on one side (2-3 minutes) and then use a fork to flip each over onto the other side to brown. Remove to a plate.
  3. Cook the vegetables in broth: Add 1/2 cup of the chicken broth to the hot skillet that had the sausage to deglaze the pan. Pour the broth and drippings into your large soup pot.
  4. Agrega las 5 1/2 tazas restantes de caldo de pollo. Agregue verduras, perejil y roux a la olla y revuelva bien.
  5. Llevar a ebullición a fuego medio y hervir durante 5-7 minutos, o hasta que las verduras estén ligeramente tiernas. (Elimine la espuma que pueda subir a la parte superior de la olla). Agregue el condimento cajún, al gusto.
  6. Add meat: Add chicken, sausage, and shrimp.
  7. Taste and serve: At this point taste it and add more seasonings to your liking–salt, pepper, chicken bullion paste, garlic, more Joe’s stuff or more chicken broth–until you reach the perfect flavor. Serve warm over rice. (Tastes even better the next day!)

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