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Receta de la semana: huevos benedictinos con espárragos envueltos en tocino y papas fritas con trufa

Serves: 4 People

Total Time: 1 Hour 15 Minutes Prep Time: 45 Minutes Cook Time: 45 Minutes


Salsa holandesa

  • ½ taza de mantequilla sin sal, derretida
  • 6 yemas de huevo
  • 2 cucharadas de jugo de limón
  • ¼ de cucharadita de pimienta de cayena
  • Sal kosher
  • Pimienta molida fresca

Huevos escalfados

  • 2 cucharadas de vinagre blanco destilado
  • Sal kosher
  • 8 huevos grandes


  • 2 dientes de ajo, picados
  • 2 cucharadas de chalotes picados
  • 2 onzas de aceite de oliva
  • 1 hogaza de pan ciabatta, 1” cortado al bies

Espárragos envueltos en tocino

  • ½ libra de tocino ahumado de corte grueso
  • 1 manojo de espárragos, recortados

Tomate reliquia

  • 1 tomate, en rodajas de 1/8" de grosor

Patatas fritas con trufa

  • 2 ½ libra de papas red bliss, córtelas por la mitad, a lo largo, luego córtelas en gajos de ½"
  • Tomillo
  • Sal kosher
  • Pimienta molida fresca
  • 3 onzas de aceite de trufa blanca


  • 4 cada uno, en rodajas finas

Método de preparación:

  1. Precalentar el horno a 400°F
  2. Patatas fritas con trufa – Toss the potato wedges with the oil and seasonings, place on a sheet tray and bake, flipping occasionally, until golden brown and tender. Approximately 30 minutes.
  3. Espárragos envueltos en tocino – Wrap the bacon around the asparagus and bake for approximately 15 minutes on a sheet tray coated with non-stick spray until the bacon is crisp. Turn every 5 minutes.
  4. Tostada – Toss your minced garlic and shallots with oil and spread amongst your slices of ciabatta bread. Place on sheet tray coated with non-stick spray and bake until golden brown. Approximately 10 minutes.
  5. Hollandaise – Place egg yolks in a large bowl and whisk in lemon juice. Place over a pot of boiling water. Whisk the eggs aggressively while slowly pouring in the melted butter. This should take no more than 1 minute. Once the eggs and butter are mixed into a sauce-like consistency remove the bowl from the heat and season to taste. Keep in a warm but not hot place.
  6. Huevos escalfados – Place a wide pot on a stove and heat water (4 inches deep), vinegar and salt together until it reaches 160 to 180 F. The water should be steaming but not bubbling, adjust your heat to maintain this temperature.  Gently swirl along the edges of the pot to create a gentle whirlpool and drop your egg in the center.  Do not touch until the egg begins to whiten and cook the white fully through.  The yolk should still be raw or can be cooked to your desired doneness.  Gently lift the eggs out of the water solution with a slotted spoon and set them aside for assembly.


  1. Coloque la tostada en un plato. Cubra con un tomate en rodajas, espárragos envueltos en tocino y el huevo escalfado. Cucharee generosamente la salsa holandesa sobre el huevo escalfado, adorne con las fresas en rodajas y sirva con las patatas fritas de trufa.

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