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About josé

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Hasta ahora joe ha creado 272 entradas de blog.

Snapchef Sponsors Massachusetts ProStart Student Invitational Competition

Taunton, Carver and Nantucket High School Students Prove They’re Best-of-the-Best Snapchef was proud to serve as the major sponsor for the 2019 Massachusetts ProStart Student Invitational held febrero 12 at Gillette Stadium in Foxborough, Mass. The annual event is the region’s premier culinary and restaurant management competition for high school students. This year’s ProStart [...]

Recipe: Beef Stew

On these cold chilly days, warm yourself up with this delicious hearty nutritious easy to make stew. It will just warm your soul. Total Time: 2 Hour                 Prep Time: 45 Minutes           Cook Time: 1 Hours 45 Minutes Ingredients: 2 Pounds of Beef Stew Meat (cubed) 3 Tablespoons of Vegetable Oil 4 Cubes of Beef Bouillon, [...]

Snapchef Kicks Off Fall at the Boston Local Food Festival

September is the perfect time to be in Boston, especially for outdoor food festivals. On Sunday, septiembre 16, Snapchef – the leading culinary staffing company in New England – joined the Boston Local Food Festival (BLFF) on the Rose Kennedy Greenway for an unforgettable fall event experience. The food festival transformed the City of Boston [...]

Snapchef Partners with the Greater Boston Stand Down to Promote Veteran Opportunities

The New England Center and Home for Veterans hosted the annual Greater Boston Stand Down at Boston City Hall Plaza on Friday. This yearly event brought together community providers and Veterans in one place to provide Veterans easy access to services and employment opportunities. Snapchef, the leading culinary staffing company in New England met with [...]

Receta: Pollo Agridulce

Los Snapchefs siempre están perfeccionando sus habilidades con recetas nuevas y emocionantes. ¡Comienza tu fin de semana con esta deliciosa receta de Pollo agridulce! Ingredientes 3-4 pechugas de pollo deshuesadas y sin piel, machacadas con un grosor de ½ pulgada y picadas en trozos de 1 pulgadas ⅓ taza de almidón de maíz 2 cucharadas de aceite 1 pimiento rojo, picado 1 [...]

Snapchef regresa al campus para satisfacer la demanda de profesionales culinarios

El líder de personal culinario comienza el año escolar Noticias Apoyando a los colegios y universidades de Nueva Inglaterra ¿Mochila, computadora portátil ... espátula? El equipo de Snapchef, reconocido a nivel nacional, llega a los campus universitarios y universitarios de Nueva Inglaterra esta semana para ayudar a los equipos culinarios a servir la mejor calidad a los estudiantes y al personal. A medida que aumenta la competencia para atraer estudiantes y profesores en todo el [...]

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