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Fast Track Training – Virtual Culinary Training

Fast Track Training: Culinary Training that Launches Careers

Supported By The Snapchef Foundation

The Snapchef Foundation, a nonprofit 501(c3) organization, believes that everyone deserves the opportunity to build a fulfilling culinary career. It provides aspiring professionals with tuition-free or subsidized training, mentorship, and job placement services.

Knife Skills & Life Skills = A Better Future

New to the foodservice industry? No problem. Our one-week, FastTrack Culinary Training program is a proven model to jumpstart your culinary career. The best part? You’ll earn while you learn; we build your work schedule around your training time.

In just 20 hours, you’ll gain all the skills you need to begin work in a commercial kitchen. You’ll learn basic food and kitchen safety, how to handle and maintain a knife, how to identify kitchen equipment and ingredients, dry and moist heat cooking methods, and much more. Most training is done virtually, along with an optional (live) Q&A with a professional chef. Qualified applicants will receive the training for free (or at a reduced fee), along with a starter kit that includes a uniform and accessories.

Ready to Get Started? It’s as Easy as 1, 2, 3!

Step 1


Step 1: Apply

Meet with your local office and they will assist you with applying directly through our Aplicación SNAP.

Step 2


Step 2: Train

If training is needed after your assessment,  you’ll be enrolled in a snap! Training is provided through The Snapchef Foundation.

Step 3


Step 3: Work

You are ready to start going out on location- Bring a great ATTITUDE & always come PREPARED. Bring the best version of YOU and the sky’s the limit!

What’s Cookin’

Snapchef Providing Meals to Amherst Residents in Need – WWLP


.. Springfield's WWLP covered Snapchef and Masshire's partnership with the Dislocated Workers Grant (DWG) program. The federal program provided the Commonwealth with funds to get dislocated worked due to the COVID pandemic job opportunities with community organizations performing essential services. Check out the article here.  

Organizaciones comunitarias agradecidas por el programa DWG


 . Cuando golpeó la pandemia de COVID, Snapchef y MassHire pudieron ayudar a las organizaciones y a aquellos que perdieron sus trabajos en todo el estado con el programa Dislocated Workers Grant (DWG). El programa emparejó a los trabajadores desplazados con organizaciones comunitarias que necesitaban ayuda. Nos gustaría agradecer a Molly Hansen de Bunker Hill Community College, Meredith Nash de My Brother's Table y Bianca y Julia Polanco de Food for the World por tomarse el tiempo de hablar con nosotros y compartir sus historias.

Snapchef se asocia con MassHire en el programa de subvenciones para trabajadores desplazados COVID-19 y conecta a los trabajadores culinarios con oportunidades laborales


Cada pin representa los lugares de trabajo involucrados en el programa DWG (febrero 18, 2021): desde la primavera de 2020, la industria de servicios de alimentos ha sufrido niveles históricamente altos de desempleo y la necesidad de personal culinario ha disminuido rápidamente debido a la COVID-19 pandemia. Los esfuerzos de preparación y distribución de alimentos en Massachusetts han sido críticos durante este tiempo. Las organizaciones de servicio de alimentos de emergencia y de primera línea han estado buscando cocineros certificados por ServSafe que puedan preparar comidas, conductores con licencia que puedan ayudar con las necesidades de distribución de alimentos de emergencia y trabajadores de propósito general que puedan llenar cajas de alimentos, manejar entregas y administrar el inventario. En respuesta a la [...]

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